


Dear Exceptional Author,

Welcome to another edition of Masterstroke.

By now, I am hoping that you have explored where your authority lies and are planning to put a masterstroke on a certain book you can’t wait to write. That’s an exciting spot to be in if you can keep the enthusiasm going and believe in yourself.

Here we go with 3 things that must be put in place for an appropriate ATTITUDE to authoring.

Masterstroke #1- The YES I CAN attitude to all things is important to all aspects of writing. Though an authority on the subject you are writing about, finishing depends on maintaining a positive outlook even as you hit roadblocks along the journey.

Masterstroke #2- There are other professionals you will need to work with before your book is published. They include editors, book designers, cover designers, beta readers, launch teams and publishers. Make sure that you maintain the 3 P”S to a rocking attitude- PROFESSIONAL, POLITE AND PERSONABLE at all times.

Masterstroke #3- You attitude has the power to make or break your career. Keep it positive on all fronts. Be someone everyone else aspires to be.

Make good things happen.

To learn more about how to adopt the best attitude, get your copy of Exceptional Authors are Authentic. Comment ME PLEASE to put your name of the waiting list for the e-book.

Go on, put a Masterstroke on it!

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